Saturday, January 5, 2019

They substituted their (Territorial) United States Congress for our United States in Congress Assembled and our United States of America in Congress Assembled.

All three of these named entities are included in the "United States Statutes at Large, Volume 1, 1st Congress. 1st Session, Chapter 25":

Saturday, July 16, 2011

: Do you like kombucha? If so then are you making your own? If not then I can assure you that it is as easy as making tea! It really is! One of the great things about making your own kombucha is that it won't cost you the $4.00 a pint you might have to pay at a "whole paycheck" store! If you want to start your kombucha off in a good way then I recommend getting one or more of my premium all organic kombucha starters that are often referred to as a scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast). I have great scobies made from all organic ingredients like organic green tea, natural spring water. Interested? Contact me via my blog at CureZone: Chef-Doctor Jemichel:

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

An Overdo Update!

I admit I had forgotten about this blog and created three others since.

My current focus is on grass-fed raw milk, local grass-fed dairies, cow/milk share and other ways of achieving local food security for all our communities.

Last year I became the Executive Producer of: "The Raw Milk Controversy: Fact & Fiction" that resulted in a 97 minute DVD. You can see two five-minute video clips at:
and a ten-minute clip at:
These video clips are also available at YouTube, Yahoo, Google, MSN and other Internet video locations. (January 5, 2019 now 16 CureZone Blogs in all!)

The DVD is now available directly from yours truly.

As soon as I have a transcript made of the entire DVD I will offer that as well. I believe the content of the DVD is such that the transcript would support people who are interested in further study of the materials.

The Very Best of Good Fortunes to You!

Chef Jem

Monday, November 20, 2006

It's Always a Good Time to Breathe!

Dear Friends One and All!

Life is Good! It is only the appearance of negative programing that says otherwise. Life itself is always good and will only get better and better. I'm not the only one saying this. See: "The Amazing Power of Deliberate Intent" by Ester and Jerry Hicks re: the teachings of Abraham and you will read: "... life on planet Earth is at its all-time best ... and getting better!"

And now is a good time to breathe this all in!
Ah! Once again breathe.
Very good!

Now, please skip down a post to read my "Welcome to Your Sovereign Health" post.
I'd love to hear what you think.

From my Guardian Angel unto your Guardian Angel - I offer you Blessings, unto your Highest Good and for the Highest Good of all concerned!

Yours Truly!


A Brief History of How I Started On My Health Path

My interest in my personal health began after I started
living on my own after my 19th birthday. I realized that
I did not know what was required to properly feed myself!
I remember hearing a friend say that a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich had all the nutrition that was needed. I
wasn't convinced but I really didn't know was was

Months later I joined a Christian Church community and
lived with families that had their ways of eating and
some of them appeared to have a special interest in
health foods. I began trying-out some of the things I
saw others do and more importantly I began reading on my
own certain authors of prominent renown in the health
field such as Adelle Davis, Paul Bragg, Norman Walker,
Bernard Jensen and others. I immediately was convinced
of the "rightness" of using whole foods that are freshly
prepared. Since I already had basic cooking skills it
was easy for me to jump right into preparing these foods
for myself.

By 1977 I had built-up enough interest in organic foods
that I decided to live on a small organic family farm
outside Chicago. In early Spring of '78 I moved to
California where I believed I would find more avail-
ability of the kind of lifestyle I wanted to live.

By the end of '79 I had learned the techniques popular-
ized by Ann Wignmore, Victoras Kulvinskas and the
Hippocrates Health Institute and went back to Chicago
with a mission to teach this there.

After teaching in Chicago and Houston I returned to
California in '81, became co-director of a personal
growth center in Escondido and soon published a small
newspaper called: Transformations. The paper featured
two articles by Neale Donald Walsch (author of Conver-
sations with God) but nothing on health & nutrition.
After the owner/founder of the center closed shop I
worked as a live-in private chef making healthy meals
as part of a weight-loss program for my client.

My personal relationships predominated the next seven
years of my life and in 1990 I went to Rudolf Steiner
College to find others wanting to live on a Biodynmaic
farm as an intentional community. This eventually led
me into another relationship,that two young children,
and for a time we had it as our intention to find our
community. The search took us from California through
Oregon and Washington. After a few months in the Seat-
tle area we returned to where we started and from
there ended up in the Sierra Nevada Foothills. Now I
finally live in an area that I feel strong connections
to and enjoy many blessings from all that this area
has to offer and especially the people!

In 1999 I met Sally Fallon, author of Nourishing Tra-
ditions, in Washington DC and prepared a banquet buffet
for the founding board members of the Weston A. Price
Foundation. (See I returned home
and applied to start a local chapter. A friend told me
she wanted to be co-leaders with me and together with
other friends we began having monthly potlucks of Nour-
ishing Traditions foods ever since!

In September 2005 I began offering nutrition therapy
support based on Nourishing Traditions and have a page-
long personal testimony of a major health recovery that
my most recent client gained from the program I provided.

I now want to duplicate the benefits of recovered health
to as many people as possible.

I see a great need for encouraging people in every way I
can to recover their own health sovereignty. I believe
there will be tremendous and incalculable gifts that will
come as a result of our recovered health sovereignty!

Many Blessings!

Welcome to "Your Sovereign Health"

Welcome Friends, to: "Your Sovereign Health" Blog!

As adults, we can ask ourselves: "who holds the responsibility for our health?".

I believe that in our most mature thinking capacity we realize
that each of us
individually have that responsibility. I know there
may be exceptions, however even
then I believe we'll find that
the responsibility ultimately rests with another adult
(sovereign human being).

This is the starting point for our conversations. Our health
(and if needed our
healing) is essentially up to us rather than
up to practitioners,
institutions, government, business (or any
other entity) or anyone else. The more we reclaim our

health responsibilities the more health-freedom we
will have!
Ideally we want to have
our full 100% of health-
freedom and ideally we want to do whatever it takes to preserve

This Blog is dedicated to the idea of 100% health-freedom
for ourselves as the true
sovereigns of our lives.

Ancient wisdom, rediscovered in modern times by dedicated servants
of humanity,
declares that you carry a design for optimal health
within your being, within your
soul, within your heart, within your
mind and within your body. This design is within
every cell! (This,
my friends, is a Truth that can set you free from any dependency you
may have on others, especially those who may not hold your true
health as their top interest. ) And so the overwhelming majority of all
that you have to work with bares
a blueprint and therfore a very
strong orientation for the most excellent health you
can possibly
imagine! From now on begin imagining yourself in the most
of health!
Do it, even if it's for no other reason than that
it feels good. And if there is anything that enters your awareness that
doesn't feel pleasant to you then simply say "I love you" to that part
and continue imagining the most rediant of health.

I am here to support you (and as many others as I possibly can) to
realizing this
most essential fact of life! We have the most perfect
health design that exists
already within us! And so far, no one
outside of us can make that design better. IMO,
the best others can
do is to consciously support our inherent sovereign health

relationship with our-Selves.

It it time now to reclaim our full sovereign Rights to living in harmony
with the
innate wisdom and highest intelligence that is already
imprinted upon every part of
our whole spirit-soul-mind-body and
cellular being/s.

If what you read here resonates with you then welcome! If you don't
agree (which of
course is your perogative) then I offer you the
brightest blessings, according to
your highest good, as you travel on
your way.

And may we all journey in peace!

Chef Jem
Nutrition Therapy Chef
Sovereign Health Mentor